Start teaching online now!

Manage and educate your students easily with vLearn
Enhance online learning using a modern Learning Management System


Modern LMS

Modern LMS

Providing modern and easy to use user interface and experience is on our top priority. We provide features like mobile friendly portals, authentication using email address or phone number, single sign on and much more.

Customize theme and languages

Customize theme and languages

With vLearn you can customize your theme and branding as you want. Moreover, we give institutes option to teach to in multiple languages* enabling them to deliver their content in the best way. * Currently we only support English and Urdu

Custom domains and Web App

Custom domains and Web App

Every educational institute on vLearn gets a free subdomain. But if you want more customization, you can connect your own domains. Furthermore, you can configure your Web App so students can get on to learning quickly and with convenience.

Host using advanced technologies

Host using advanced technologies

Using vLearn, teachers can focus on teaching and students on learning and leave technology on us. On the backend, we use high-tech cloud infrastructure powered by Google Cloud.


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